Let’s Check Your Home

Home Watch Checklist


Everything that We Include

Welcome to Nature's Broom, your trusted partner in home care while you're away. Our comprehensive home watch services provide unparalleled peace of mind, ensuring your property remains safe, secure, and meticulously maintained. Our dedicated team conducts thorough inspections of both the interior and exterior of your home, checking for any signs of damage, security vulnerabilities, or maintenance needs.

We go beyond standard services to include detailed environmental checks, security system verifications, and routine maintenance tasks. Our commitment to communication and transparency means you receive regular updates and detailed reports after each visit, complete with photographs and descriptions of any findings or maintenance performed.



  • Check for signs of forced entry or vandalism.

  • Inspect windows and doors for security; verify the condition of locks and entry points.

  • Look for any exterior damage such as cracks, leaks, or signs of pest infestation.

  • Ensure that outdoor lighting is functioning properly.


  • Verify that the security alarm system is active and functioning properly.

  • Check surveillance cameras for proper operation and clear footage.

  • Test motion sensor lights and ensure they are working as intended.

  • Ensure that any smart home security features are operational and connected to the owner's devices.


  • Inspect for any signs of water damage or flooding, especially after heavy rain.

  • Ensure that gutters and downspouts are clear of debris.

  • Check for signs of mold or mildew growth, particularly in damp areas like basements or bathrooms.


  • Check all rooms for signs of water leaks, mold, or mildew.

  • Inspect HVAC systems for proper operation and change air filters if necessary.

  • Verify that appliances are turned off and unplugged if the property is vacant for an extended period.

  • Check for any signs of pest infestation inside the property.

  • Ensure that smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors are working correctly.


  • Check water meter readings to detect any unusual water consumption.

  • Verify that electrical systems are functioning correctly and there are no power outages.

  • Inspect gas lines for leaks or abnormalities.

  • Ensure that all utilities are turned off when the property is vacant for an extended period, except those necessary for security or maintenance purposes.

  • Monitor the property for any signs of pest infestation and take appropriate action if necessary.


  • Perform routine maintenance tasks such as lawn care, pool maintenance, and landscaping.

  • Check for any needed repairs or maintenance issues and report them to the homeowner.

  • Ensure that any scheduled maintenance services are completed on time, such as HVAC servicing or pest control treatments.


  • Maintain regular communication with the homeowner, providing updates on the property's condition and any issues that arise.

  • Provide detailed reports after each visit, including photographs and descriptions of any findings or maintenance performed.

  • Respond promptly to any inquiries or concerns from the homeowner.


  • Have a plan in place for responding to emergencies such as fires, floods, or security breaches.

  • Maintain a list of emergency contacts, including local authorities, maintenance providers, and the homeowner's preferred contacts.

  • Ensure that all emergency equipment, such as fire extinguishers and first aid kits, are readily accessible and in working condition.


  • Offer additional services such as mail collection, package delivery acceptance, or grocery stocking for homeowners who are away for an extended period.

  • Provide key holding services for homeowners who prefer not to leave spare keys on the property.


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